How to beat exam anxiety

Does your mind go blank in exams? Do you have anxiety about failing, even though you've revised thoroughly? The pressure to perform well can sometimes feel overwhelming but fear not, we're here to help!

How to Beat Exam Anxiety

Does your mind go blank in exams? Do you have anxiety about failing, even though you've revised thoroughly? The pressure to perform well can sometimes feel overwhelming, but fear not! In this blog post, we'll explore some simple strategies to help calm your nerves so you can navigate exam season with confidence.

Try these stress busters

1. Don’t procrastinate

Start your exam prep early to avoid last-minute cramming. Think about the questions you could be asked and practice with past exam papers. Remember to break your work up into manageable chunks and give yourself enough time for revision and regular breaks.  You don’t need to stop having fun. It’s tempting to decide you’ll just “knuckle down” and focus on work for the next few weeks, but this is counterproductive. Your brain needs rest to give you its best. Focus on learning one section at a time and celebrate your progress along the way. Here are 8 ways to study while still having fun.

2. Create a positive study environment

A tidy study space can help with mental clutter. Keep your things organised and find a comfy spot to study where you feel relaxed and focused. Not everyone enjoys studying in a library or at the crack of dawn - go with whatever revision technique works best for you. Just be sure to put away your phone and turn off social media notifications so you’re not distracted.

3. Establish a routine

Learn what works for you and follow the same steps each time you get ready for an exam. This will help put your mind at ease and ensure you’re well prepared.

4. Don’t forget to fuel

Your brain needs fuel to function. Make sure you eat these brain foods and drink lots of water leading up to exams. Avoid sugary drinks and too much caffeine as this can increase feelings of anxiety.

5. Get enough sleep

When it comes to managing exam anxiety, a good night’s sleep is a game changer. Aim for a full 7-8 hours of quality sleep. This is essential for memory recall and will help make sure you’re feeling energetic and ready to tackle whatever your test throws at you.

6. Move your body

Physical activity is an excellent stress buster. Take exercise breaks in between your study sessions to clear your mind. It doesn’t need to be strenuous. Go for a walk and a breath of fresh air, do some light stretching or dance to your favourite song – it doesn’t matter. You'll feel much better after you get your blood flowing.

7. Arrive early

On exam day, the last thing you want to do is to rush around because you’re running late. Get to the exam venue early and take a little walk around to release some nervous energy. This will give you some time to get your head in “exam mode” so when the test starts you’re all set and ready to get stuck in.

8. Start with what you know

Read through all the exam questions before you begin answering them. Make sure you take note of the mark allocation so you know how much time to spend on each section (you don’t want to waste 20 mins on a question that only counts for 5 marks!) You don’t have to answer the exam questions in order. Start with the ones you know and if you’re stumped, move onto the next question. You can always go back after you’ve had some time to let it simmer in your mind.

9. Take a deep breath and relax

If you feel worry or self-doubt start to creep in, breathe. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will regulate your heart rate and help calm your busy mind. You can also try stretching at your desk, shutting your eyes or doing some head rolls to ease tension.

10. Stay positive

Expect to do well and don’t worry about what could go wrong. You’ve gotten this far already. Keep a positive attitude and try to stay relaxed. If you start to feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you’re well-prepared and one test doesn’t define you.

11. Avoid distractions

Try to stay focused on your exam. Don’t worry about the person next to you or in front of you. They might look like they’re whizzing through the exam a lot quicker than you but keep calm and take the test at your own pace. Just make sure you’re keeping track of time.

12. Reach out for support

Talking about your worries can help ease some of the pressure you’re feeling. Reach out to your friends and family, classmates or lecturers so they can be there to support and encourage you when you're feeling stressed.

What’s done is done

Once the exam is over, try to forget about it. What’s done is done and worrying about your answers won’t change your mark. Remember, your exam results aren't the only measure of your success. Believe in yourself, stay positive, and approach exams with a calm and confident spirit. You have the power to beat exam anxiety and achieve greatness. Best of luck! Read more: Top 5 Study Tips