Booking Terms and Conditions


Please read the following Booking Terms and Conditions carefully and keep a copy for future reference. They apply to all Reservations, however made.

The Website, the information contained on it and these Booking Terms and Conditions are provided in English only. If you do not understand any part of the Booking Terms and Conditions please contact the Accommodation Office as detailed in the Particulars. If you choose to access the Website from locations outside of the United Kingdom, you are responsible for compliance with local laws (if and to the extent they apply).

These Booking Terms and Conditions set out the basis on which we accept and allocate Reservations for accommodation at our Locations. You must accept these Booking Terms and Conditions in accordance with Clause 4 (Accepting the Booking Terms and Conditions) in order to place a Reservation.

Nothing in these Booking Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights either as a consumer or otherwise.


1.1. In these Booking Terms and Conditions we use the following words which have the following meanings (unless otherwise stated):

Accommodation Office means the accommodation office for the Location, as detailed in the Particulars;

Application means your application for a Reservation;

Booking Confirmation means the email sent by us to you confirming your Room, the Duration, the Residence Fee, your Payment Schedule and your acceptance of these Booking Terms and Conditions;

Booking Terms and Conditions means together these Booking Terms and Conditions (including the Schedules and annexes thereto), our room rates, privacy policy and resident policies (all of which are available on the Website and may change from time to time), and any other terms and conditions we bring to your attention before the Booking Confirmation;

Check-In Date means the date on which you check-in to the Location, which may be different from the Start Date;

Cooling- Off Period means 7 days up to 30/06/25, and 48 hours after this point.

Deposit means £400.00, being a payment we require from you to cover any damage to our property and/or outstanding fees or costs, which will be held in accordance with paragraph 6.4 (Deposit and compensation for breaches) of the Residence Agreement;

Details List means the details list Schedule 1 (Details List) confirming the telephone number, email, and address for each Location;

Duration means the period from the Start Date to the End Date inclusive;

End Date means the date on which you must vacate the Room, as detailed in the Particulars;

Initial Payment means the initial portion of the Residence Fee we ask you to pay in order to receive a Booking Confirmation, as detailed In the Payment Schedule, which forms part of the Residence Fee;

Instalment means any of the instalments outlined in the Payment Schedule, and Instalments means all of them;

Late Application means an Application submitted in the period of up to thirty (30) calendar days before the Start Date;

Location means the site at which the Room is located (being either our Scape Leeds, Scape Canada Water, Scape Mile End, Scape Shoreditch, Scape Guildford, Scape Wembley, Scape Kings Cross, Scape Bloomsbury, Scape Hammersmith as specified in the Particulars;

Particulars means the particulars outlined in Schedule 3 (The Particulars) which list the details specific to your Reservation;

Payment Schedule means the agreed payment schedule outlined in the Particulars;

Refund Policy means our refund policy available on the Website which outlines your entitlement to a refund;

Reservation means your reservation for a Room at our Scape Leeds, Scape Canada Water, Scape Mile End, Scape Shoreditch, Scape Guildford, Scape Wembley, Scape Bloomsbury, Scape Kings Cross Scape Hammersmith site;

Residence Agreement means the legal agreement relating to your occupancy of the Room at Location, as detailed in Schedule 2 (Residence Agreement);

Residence Fee means the amount you have agreed to pay for the Room for the Duration, payable in accordance with the Initial Payment and the Instalments, as detailed in the Payment Schedule. 

Required Documentation means the following documentation which you must provide before we can accept you as a resident on the Check-In Date:

1. a copy of your passport or government-issued ID or other form of identification (e.g. National Insurance number) and,

2. your UCAS or other student ID number verifying that you have been accepted on a course of study;

Room means the room at the Location which you are contracting for, as detailed in the Particulars;

Start Date means the date from which you are entitled to start using the Room, as detailed in the Particulars; means the date from which you are entitled to start using the Room, as detailed in the Particulars;

"we" or "us" means either:

1. Mile End Guernsey Opco Ltd, trading as “Scape Mile End” if your Room is at our Scape Mile End site;

2. Shoreditch Guernsey Opco Ltd, trading as "Scape Shoreditch" if your Room is at our Scape Shoreditch site;

3. Guildford UK Propco Ltd, trading as “Scape Guildford” if your Room is at our Scape Guildford site;

4. Guildford 2 UK Opco Limited trading as “Scape Guildford” if your Room is at our Scape Guildford site;

5. Wembley UK Opco Ltd, trading as “Scape Wembley” if your Room is at our Scape Wembley site;

6. Bloomsbury UK Propco Limited, trading as “Scape Bloomsbury” if your Room is at our Scape Bloomsbury site;

7. Quebec Opco Limited trading as “Scape Canada Water” if your Room is at our Scape Canada Water site;

8. Tanatus Developments Ltd, trading as “Scape Kings Cross” if your Room is at our Scape Kings Cross site,

9. Leeds UK Opco Ltd trading as “Scape Leeds” if your Room is at our Scape Leeds site,

10. Hammersmith UK Opco Ltd trading as “Scape Hammersmith” if your Room is at our Scape Hammersmith site.

11. Any person entitled to receive rent under these Booking Terms and Conditions;

Website means the website which we operate from the URLs:,, the myScape portal and any other online sites belonging to Scape.

Working Day means any day that is not a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday or any day that is a bank holiday in England under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971; and

"you" or "your" means the person submitting the Reservation and entering into the Residence Agreement.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1. Headings used in these Booking Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of these Booking Terms and Conditions.

1.2.2. Unless otherwise specified, a reference to a Clause or a Schedule is to a clause in or a schedule to (and forming part of) these Booking Terms and Conditions, and a reference to a paragraph or an annex is to a paragraph of or an annex to a Schedule.

1.2.3. A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as it is in force for the time being, taking account of any amendment, extension or re-enactment and includes any subordinate legislation made pursuant to it.

1.2.4. Any reference to the Location includes a reference to the Room.

1.3. Any termination of these Booking Terms and Conditions shall not affect any pre-existing rights of any party against the other.


2.1. By making a Reservation to a Scape UK residence, you confirm that you are 18 years old or older and have been accepted on a full-time study program at a local school, college or university for the Duration.

2.2. If you are under 18 you must involve a parent or guardian when making a Reservation.

2.3. For the avoidance of doubt, you must be 18 or older on the Start Date.


3.1. All Reservations are subject to confirmation of availability and acceptance by us.

3.2. If for any reason the room type you requested is no longer available we will at our discretion either:

3.2.1. offer you alternative, suitable room type (where this is possible); or

3.2.2. decline your request and add you to our waiting list.


4.1. You accept and agree to be bound by these Booking Terms and Conditions (including the Residence Agreement) when you submit your Application.

4.2. By submitting an Application you confirm that you have been given an opportunity to read and understand these Booking Terms and Conditions (including the Residence Agreement) and agree to be bound by them.

4.3. Please ensure the details you provide when making an Application are correct and inform us promptly of any changes to those details (e.g. change of email or postal address).


5.1. Once you have submitted your Application you must pay the Initial Payment by the agreed date outlined in the Particulars.

5.2. If you submit a Late Application, Clause 5.1 will be modified such that there will be no Initial Payment and you will be required to pay the first Instalment by the agreed date outlined in the Particulars.

5.3. When we have received your Initial Payment in accordance with Clause 5.1, or your first Instalment in accordance with Clause 5.2, and the payment has been cleared, we will then send you a Booking Confirmation. 

5.4. You must bring the Required Documentation on the Check-In Date.

5.5. If we do not receive the Initial Payment (where applicable), the first Instalment and/or the Required Documentation by the date required, we may at our option cancel your Reservation in accordance with Clause 7 (Cancellations).

5.6. You agree that we will not be liable for any loss, expense or inconvenience suffered by you because we do not provide you with a Room because of your failure to comply with your obligations in Clauses 5.1, 5.2 and/or 5.4 above.


6.1. In advance on the Check-In Date you will be required to pay the Deposit.

6.2. For the avoidance of doubt, you will not be entitled to use the Room unless you have:

6.2.1. received a Booking Confirmation;

6.2.2. showed your Required Documentation on or prior to the Check-In Date;

6.2.3. paid the first Instalment by the agreed date outlined in the Particulars; and

6.2.4. paid the Deposit.


7.1. You may cancel your Reservation by notifying us in writing by email to the Location email address as set out in the Details List at any time within the Cooling-Off Period.

7.2. If your Start Date is in advance of the Cooling-Off Period ending, you agree that the Cooling-Off Period cancellation rights (referred to in Clause 7.1 above) will cease on the Start Date.

7.3. If you submit a Late Reservation and you will be checking in before the Cooling-Off Period has expired, you agree that the Cooling-Off Period cancellation rights will end on the Check-In Date.

7.4. If you make a cancellation in accordance with Clause 7.1 above, you will be entitled to a refund of any payments made in accordance with our Refund Policy.

7.5. We may at our option cancel your Reservation and bring these Booking Terms and Conditions to an end if either of the following occur:

7.5.1. the information you provide as part of the Reservation process turns out to be false; or

7.5.2. you fail to comply with your obligations in Clauses 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 and/or 5.5 (Prior to Checking-In).

7.6. We will notify you by email if we choose to cancel your Reservation in accordance with Clause

7.7. These Booking Terms and Conditions (other than the Refund Policy) will end and cease to have legal force and effect from the date we send you this email notification. This right of cancellation is separate from the right of termination contained in the Residence Agreement. Please see our Refund Policy for any refunds you may be entitled to.

7.8. We reserve the right to decline or cancel your Reservation other than in accordance with Clause 7.5. Please see our Refund Policy for any refunds you may be entitled to in circumstances such as these.


8.1 By booking as a Suitable Replacement Person you hereby agree and affirm that:

8.1.1 You neither currently reside in a Location nor  hold a Reservation for a Room within a Location 

8.1.2 All initial payments owed to us will be made using  a credit/debit card 

8.1.3 You relinquish any right to terminate the Residence Agreement pursuant to  clause 6.2 of the Residence Agreement


9.1. By accepting these Booking Terms and Conditions you:

9.1.1. agree to notify us of any changes to your personal circumstances (including change of e-mail address, correspondence address or phone number). You acknowledge that we will not be liable to you if you do not receive a communication from us because you have failed to inform us of changes to your contact details;

9.1.2. agree to receive communications from us electronically and that electronic communications will satisfy any legal requirement for communications to be in writing;

9.1.3. acknowledge that if we do not receive the Initial Payment from you by the agreed date in the Particulars, we may cancel your Reservation and these Booking Terms and Conditions and you will have no claim against us as a result;

9.1.4. acknowledge that if we do not receive the Required Documentation prior to your Check-In Date then we may cancel your Reservation and these Booking Terms and Conditions and you will have no claim against us as a result;

9.1.5. acknowledge that if you provide false information as part of the Reservation process, then we may cancel your Reservation and these Booking Terms and Conditions and you will have no claim against us as a result;

9.1.6. acknowledge that if you fail to pay any Instalment by the date agreed in the Payment Schedule, we may exercise our rights under these Booking Terms and Conditions; and

9.1.7. acknowledge that if we terminate your Residence Agreement after the Start Date in accordance with paragraph 6.1 (Licensors right to terminate) of the Residence Agreement, your obligation to pay any remaining Instalments of the Residence Fee shall continue. This obligation continues until a replacement resident is found and becomes contractually bound to occupy the Room. The Licensor will take reasonable steps to mitigate any loss resulting from any breach of the Residence Agreement by actively marketing the Room.  For the avoidance of doubt, you will not be entitled to any refund of any payments made to us until a replacement resident is found and becomes contractually bound to occupy the Room. 

9.1.8 you acknowledge that should the Licensor terminate the Residence Agreement in accordance with clause 6.1 of the Residence Agreement, the Licensor reserves the right to recover from the Student, and the Student shall be liable to pay, any damages, costs, or losses incurred by the Licensor as a result of any breach of the Residence Agreement by the Student, including but not limited to damages to the Room, missing contents as listed in the Residence Agreement, and any other costs directly related to the Student's use of the Room. 

9.1.9 You acknowledge that the right set out in paragraph 8.1.8 to recover damages shall survive the termination of the Residence Agreement.

9.2. By accepting your Application, we agree to accept you as a resident subject to:

9.2.1. us receiving the Initial Payment before the Start Date (where applicable);

9.2.2. us receiving your payment of any Instalments due before the Start Date;

9.2.3. us receiving your Required Documentation on or prior to the Check-In Date;

9.2.4. you fulfilling the status requirements set out in Clause 2 (Your Status Requirements) on the Start Date; and

9.2.5. you paying the Deposit in advance of the Check-In Date.


10.1. We cannot guarantee the security of data which you send to us by email. Please do not send us payment details using email.

10.2. We (and our appointed third party providers) collect certain personal information (e.g. name, address, email address) about you ("Personal Information") when you submit a Reservation. For details on how we use Personal Information, please read our privacy policy available on the Website. Unless we are fraudulent or negligent we will not be liable to you for any losses caused as a result of unauthorised access to this Personal Information.

10.3. You are responsible for ensuring the email address and other contact details you provide to us are correct. We will not be responsible if you do not receive communications from us because the details you have supplied are incorrect or in the event of telecommunication system failures outside our control.

10.4. We communicate with you by email and by posting notices on our Website. You agree to receive communications from us electronically in this way and that electronic communications will satisfy any legal requirement for communications be in writing.

10.5 We will inform you of special offers, promotions, events and send you newsletters and other information which may be of interest and to enhance your stay with us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which includes how you can change your marketing preferences.


11.1. We will be responsible for any losses you suffer as a direct result of us breaching these Booking Terms and Conditions if those losses were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us at the time Booking Confirmation is issued. We will not be responsible to you or any third party for any business loss (including loss of revenue, profits, contracts, anticipated savings, wasted expenditure, data or goodwill) or any other loss or damage which does not result directly from our actions or the actions of our appointed sub-contractors or agents, or is consequential.

11.2. Our liability to you under these Booking Terms and Conditions will not exceed the amount of any deposits, fees or other charges you pay to us.

11.3. Nothing in these Booking Terms and Conditions excludes or limits our liability to you for personal injury or death caused by our negligence.


We will not be responsible to you for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these Booking Terms and Conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause beyond our reasonable control (including failure of telecommunication links).


13.1. Except in cases of obvious errors, the room rates and other accommodation costs will be as quoted on the Website (which may change from time to time). We evaluate room rates and other accommodation costs periodically and reserve the right to update our rates to accord to market conditions. Room rates and other costs will be billed in accordance with the Payment Schedule we agree with you.

13.2. Although we try to ensure the room rates and other costs published on our Website are accurate, errors may sometimes occur and we will not be liable for any loss arising as a result of such errors. For more information, please see our Website Terms and Conditions of Use (available on the Website).


14.1. We reserve the right at any time to make changes to the Website, the Website Terms and Conditions of Use, our privacy policy and any other terms, conditions and policies we may notify you of.

14.2. You will be subject to the terms, conditions and policies in force at the time you submit an Application, save to the extent that the changes are required by law. 


15.1. These Booking Terms and Conditions, together with the Residence Agreement referred to herein constitutes the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between us, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.

15.2. Both we and you acknowledge and agree that in entering into these Booking Terms and Conditions, and the Residence Agreement, neither you nor we have relied on, and shall have no remedies in respect of, any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not expressly set out in the aforementioned documents. 

15.3. Nothing in this Clause 14 shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud.


If you breach the Booking Terms and Conditions or the Residence Agreement, and we take no action we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in other situations where you are in breach.


A party which is not a party to both  Booking Terms and Conditions and the Residence Agreement shall have no rights to enforce any terms under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


Please see the Details List for information on where to direct enquiries.


19.1. If any provision (or part of a provision) of these Booking Terms and Conditions or the Residence Agreement referred to herein is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable.

19.2. Any modification to or deletion of a provision (or part of a provision) under this Clause 18 shall not affect the legality, validity and enforceability of the rest of these Booking Terms and Conditions.


20.1. These Booking Terms and Conditions, along with the Residence Agreement referred to herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

20.2. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, as do we, for any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Booking Terms and Conditions, and the Residence Agreement. 


21.1. All procedures for the allocation of accommodation comply with any equality policies that pertain to the licencing of that accommodation, as well as being in accordance with the law;

21.2. No person or group of persons applying for accommodation will be treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, gender, disability, appearance, age, marital status, sexual orientation or social status;

21.3.  Staff will be trained or will have sufficient knowledge of equality and diversity practice to ensure that commitments to equality policies are fulfilled;

21.4.  Residents  are made aware of the organisation’s equality and diversity policies as part of the information provided to residents and potential residents in marketing and resident information;

21.5.  As part of its commitment to assist those with disabilities, it is agreed that charges for rooms adapted for use by students with disabilities should not exceed the normal room rate for that development.


22.1. No Visa. No Pay: prior to the 13th September 2025, if the student doesn’t get their visa to come and study in the UK, the student must email the visa application rejection letter within 7 days of receiving it to and we will cancel the booking and refund the money to the student.

22.2. No Place, No Pay: this policy is only applicable to new, incoming 1st year undergraduate students for the 25/26 academic year. If you are a prospective first year undergraduate student and your offer of a place at your preferred University/Higher Education Institution is withdrawn by the University/Higher Education Institution as a result of you not achieving their required entry grades, you may be eligible to be released from this agreement. You may also be eligible to be released from this agreement if you are a prospective first year undergraduate student and you choose to go to a different University in a different city because you have exceeded your expected grades. To apply to be released from this agreement in the circumstances referred to above, you will need to supply us with a copy of:

  • a written rejection letter from your chosen university/college or UCAS or a screen shot of your UCAS status which confirms that the required results were not achieved; or

  • a copy of the proof of acceptance of your new university by UCAS adjustment.

These document(s) must be received by us within 7 calendar days from the date your results are published. Please email the documentation to On receipt of the required documentation, it will be verified and, provided we are satisfied, we will cancel your agreement and refund any deposit or advance rent paid in full. This policy will cease on the 31st August 2025.


23.1 For the avoidance of doubt, any promotional code that enables a customer to benefit from an incentive/offer/discount via the Scape website and online booking portal is at our absolute discretion and it is subject to availability and we reserve the right to withdraw, amend or replace the offer for another with different terms at any time and without notice.